By Josey Murray – That positive psychology research has often been based on Western, educated, industrialized, rich, and democratic (WEIRD) populations is a common criticism of the field, as explained …
be hopeful, be strong, be brave, be curious
By Kathryn Britton – Are you wondering what to do next, how to get unstuck, how to get out of a slump? Are you unsure how to take the next …
Why do we expect working moms to feel guilty?
By Frawn Morgan – Most working mothers struggle constantly with feelings of guilt. Just ask any working mother you know. The guilt they experience isn’t just around their choice to …
Toward a More Inclusive + Accessible Positive Psychology
By Abimbola Tschetter – Disability and illness are both words that focus on deficits rather than strengths. Not only are the people who possess these conditions regarded in terms of …
MAPP Magazine: Work + Well-being
By Abimbola Tschetter – How many hours have you spent working today? This week? This year? Many of us devote as much or even more time to our work than …